Vision Quest

Vision Quest 

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet, 
and the winds long to play with your hair."
~ Khalil Gibran

The vision quest is an opportunity to personally and collectively engage with the timeless reciprocity between humans and nature. It naturally brings forth relationships that have never been seen before within the terrain of the soul and of the natural world. Marked by three distinct phases, the innate intelligence of the vision quest brings you through a cycle of life, death, and rebirth.  

As an initiatory journey immersed in the rhythms of nature, personal insight, reflection, and healing occur simultaneously with the whole of life, providing a context in which what wants to live through you occurs in an ecology of relationships.  

In essence, the vision quest is a ritual of remembering
our belonging to ourselves and to our planet. 

Many come to the vision quest in major life transitions. They seek a distinct ceremony to recognize the changes that are taking place, and to be witnessed and supported in what is asking to be birthed. Feeling the call to vision quest is like a tug at our soul, beckoning you to live fully into your life. 

France 2024

July 13th-21st

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Vermont 2024

Dates TBD

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Are You Called to:

  • Overcome obstacles that have been in your way?

  • Cultivate a profound insight into your true nature?

  • Discover or invigorate your sense of purpose in the world?

  • Gain insight into your core patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that inhibit you?

  • Up-level your ability to make conscious and empowered choices

  • Change your story of separation into a story of wholeness. 

  • Develop a connection to the natural world?

  • Strengthen your indigenous soul?

  • Be witnessed, held and supported in a conscious rebirth? 

Through bringing your questions, challenges, and aspirations into dynamic communication with the worlds of nature, the Vision Quest provides the key to unlock your unique genius and destiny.

What are the Three Stages of the Vision Quest?

Severance: Severance is a critical stage of the vision quest ceremony in which we leave behind the world that is familiar. This takes place literally and metaphorically. Going from one life stage to another, requires us to leave behind that which we thought we knew so we can make room for what is to come.  This is also a time to root ourselves into the rhythms of nature and from there, attune ourselves to our greater intention of the vision quest. 

Threshold: Threshold marks the time in ritual when we establish our threads of connection to the wild, and enter into the terrain of possibility, transformation, and reflection.  Threshold is the space where unseen relationships are made visible, whether it be within our own psyche, or in the world of nature.  This requires conscious experimentation with the unknown and one’s intention, while simultaneously giving up normal routines and fasting from food.

Incorporation: Another way to frame incorporation is the return. Incorporation is when we bring the experiences during threshold into expression - into everyday life.  Incorporation often takes a year to fully integrate one’s experiences. This is normal, and it is at this stage that it is important to remember the ‘visions’ received are always changing, and following the vision as a journey is critical. 

What you can expect:

The moment you decide to do a vision quest, preparation begins on all levels.  Your mind, body, and soul will begin to orient towards the rhythm of ritual and nature.  For this reason, and many more, here is what I provide:
  • 1 personal consultation session to help guide you with your intention and questions, and to provide teachings on the Vision Quest.
  • 1 Group call with all participants.  On this call, deeper teachings of the indigenous soul, nature connection, and models of transformation and leadership are shared. 
8-Day Vision Quest:
This is when we will come together as a group and begin to individually and collectively attune to nature, set-up basecamp, explore the surroundings, and deepen into ritual space.

First 2-Days: Preparation 
We will be together as a group for much of this time, however you will be listening deeply to what the vision quest holds for you personally.  Our time together will be intentional and wholesome, expanding into nature, and coming together around the fire. You can expect to:
  • Awaken the indigenous soul through land-based connection, meditation and activities  
  • Experience elemental rituals 
  • Clarify your intention through council and reflection 
  • Learn physical, emotional, and spiritual skills and resources 
  • Explore the surrounding landscape to find your vision quest site
4-Day Solo in the Wilderness 
This is your time to leave the group and set out on your quest.  At this point, you have fully prepared, are familiar with the surrounding landscape, and deeply know what you are seeking. You leave behind food, only taking water, shelter, and a few ceremonial items. You can expect to:
  • Spend four days as a part of the rhythm of nature
  • Experience a water fast
  • Consciously experiment with your intention 
  • Create unique rituals to empower, clarify, release, and bring insight  
  • Discover your strengths and values
Final 2-Days: Integration
After four days of solo, everyone returns to basecamp, where nourishing food awaits. This time is taken very slowly, as many lessons can arrive immediately. You can expect: 
  • Rest and rejuvenation 
  • Group council and sharing
  • Leadership opportunities to facilitate bringing your insights to everyday life through art, storytelling, ritual theater, music, dance and much more
  • Embodiment practices 
  • Celebration
Returning Home: 
Oh, the sweet return. The journey of deeply integrating your quest begins. Coming home and applying your insights can be rigorous, playful, and worth following.  You can expect:  
  • One group call providing support integrating your experience and living the vision(s) received on your vision quest
  • Personal consultations available

When and Where can I attend a Vision Quest?


June 10th-18th, 2023
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September 2nd-10th, 2023
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"“I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be learning and in ceremony with Darren for the last four years. His teaching is as wild and present as the weather, as the wind and certainly as the stories that come alive through him. As a facilitator myself, I've sat back and watched Darren weave the perfect amount of playfulness, compassion and hutzpah in any one given moment. I'm inspired by his guidance and always leave more curious than when I arrived.”

Denise Casey  

“Darren provides a raw and sincere connection with nature to take anyone as deep as they're willing to go to untangle their connection with the natural world and inspire their inner purpose to be lived.

Ben Barnett 

"With a unique and graceful artistry Darren weaves mythic archetypes and ancient wisdom seamlessly into experiential lessons that hit deep and resonate for weeks, months, and years. He embodies playful childlike wisdom, sage old reverence for the land, and everything in between.
From practical wilderness skills to masterfully delivered stories, Darren provides exactly what is needed, adapting and flowing intuitively to meet his students for starkly present and often life-changing teachings.

Pan Williams  

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